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Find healing and growth through depth psychotherapy - live beyond anxiety, depression, and trauma.

Trees From Above

Depth Psychotherapy

Depth psychotherapy looks beyond coping skills and symptom management. It looks at your day-to-day experiences while exploring the non-conscious processes in our daily lives

Tree Texture

Forensic Psychologist

These services include most forensic psychology situations where legal systems intersect with psychology, including civil and criminal issues. We are available for consultation and evaluations.

What Depth Psychotherapy Means to Us.

Trauma Focused

For us, psychological trauma can be any event that forces you to change the way you see the world or yourself.



Most of human learning (and un-learning) happens within important relationships. We make it important.

Fellow Travelers 

Therapy is not simply about receiving advice. It's about a two-way relationship that grows and evolves, for both client and therapist.


As humans, we are often very good at moving past instead of understanding emotions. Sometimes this works, sometimes it keeps us confused and without a sense of control. 


Our therapy looks at underlying dynamics in how you interact with yourself and the world, and does so from a big picture perspective.

We specialize in psychodynamic-integrative approaches. 


Psychotherapy in Connecticut and 41 other states via telehealth.

Black Locust Psychology (named after the Black Locust tree) was founded in a small New England town in Connecticut and offers individual psychotherapy and psycho-legal services.


We use humanistic, evidence-informed approaches with individuals seeking clinical clarity and personal understanding. Each of our psychologists brings unique perspectives and expertise to our practice to offer a full range of clinical services to adults and adolescents.


Dr. Daniel Flack, JD, PhD, is the founder of Black Locust Psychology and focuses on helping others with experiences related to identity and sense of self, including traumatic experiences. He also specializes in forensic assessment and treatment across both civil and criminal systems. 

Dark tree trunk
Pink Oyster Mushrooms

Why Depth Psychotherapy?

Depth psychotherapy has been around for a long time but is becoming less accessible. It's also a type of therapy that works, that people want, and that fits with real human experiences. 

It Works

Research has found that psychodynamic psychotherapy has a strong evidence base across many psychological experiences. It can be especially effective for complex stories or some types of personalities. 


People Want More

Many folks have 'failed out' of other therapies, or 'graduated' programs without any lasting change.  Recent studies have found that 88% of people seeking therapy (see p. 8) would rather take longer and address the root cause then move more quickly and only manage symptoms.

This Therapy is Real

This therapy embraces the complexity of being a human. Other therapies try to manage these complexities with guardrails like strict session agendas, and they try to show that they’re effective by excluding folks with multiple diagnoses from their research. We hope for complex - otherwise, it's not real. 

Depth Psychotherapy

“It is a joy to be hidden and a disaster not to be found".

D. W. Winnicott


Therapy with us does not begin at the top of the hour or end when we say goodbye. It is much more than a casual conversation. 

Psychotherapy can often feel like a normal conversation, but it is much more than that at Black Locust Psychology. Click to learn about what goes into effective psychotherapy inside and outside of the session. 

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